Homemade Toothpaste For Healthy, White Teeth With No Cavities


You would think that brushing your teeth with clay, baking soda, coal and spices is a little unfulfilling. Nonetheless, this dry mixture has now become my favourite choice of toothpaste. Not only does it deliver a fresh breath, very clean gums and sparkling white teeth, it also helps make your teeth stronger and prevents tooth decay and periodontitis.

You’ll find the recipe and how to use it below.

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How My Teeth Have Changed

Over the last few years of using homemade toothpaste, my teeth are whiter than ever, and my teeth and mouth feel very clean and fresh.

Furthermore my teeth are no longer sensitive to cold beverages or ice-creams. Biting into anything cold used to hurt my front teeth. Now I can chew on any frozen thing without getting an instant electric shock of pain. I have never been able to do that before!

I’ve mentioned it in the past, that your teeth are able to re-mineralize, regenerate and reversing a cavity. The approach is two-part: addressing your diet and your dental hygiene routine.

How The Ingredients Work

Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay, also called Montmorillonite clay, has been used for centuries around the world to promote better health and ward off disease.

Bentonite clay is antibacterial, and has the ability to bind unhealthy substances in the mouth, such as around the teeth and on the tongue and gums. It helps to remove these little buggers before you swallow them.

It can produce a charge that is electrical in nature when it comes in contact with liquid. While in its natural state, bentonite clay has negatively charged ions, most toxins and heavy metals have positively charged ions.

When the clay touches any type of fluid like water / saliva, it takes on a different charge and is thought to bind to any present toxins within the fluid. This allows the two to bind together easily and stay united while the toxin removal process happens.

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Bentonite clay essentially “seeks out” toxins in the mouth to bind with, because any substance that has a missing ion looks for oppositely charged types of substances that will make it complete. Upon binding, the clay is then able to help remove toxins, chemicals, impurities and “heavy metals”. 

Baking Soda

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an ideal mild abrasive tooth polish, which dissolves, leaving no grit behind. It is alkaline, so it has the added benefit of helping to neutralize excess acid in the mouth. It helps mechanically remove plaque and debris. Baking Soda is also antibacterial and can remove the staphylococcal bacteria, which are some of the bad influencers in the development of cavities.

Raw Cocoa Powder

As a bean or seed, cocoa is clearly superior to most beans from a nutritional perspective. For the benefits of the teeth it is extremely rich in teeth vital minerals and nutrients like calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and theobromine.

Theobromine is a flavonoid that is much more effective than fluoride to fight tooth decay, to repair tooth enamel and to harden the teeth. (Source). Not only that, this flavonoid also contains an effective anti-bacterial substance and can kill streptococci mutants.

Sea Salt

Unrefined sea salt is a mild abrasive and contains trace minerals that aid in tooth remineralisation. Salt is also highly antiseptic, which helps keep bacteria in check.

Ground Cinnamon

Ground cinnamon adds flavouring, but also has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties that support gum health.

Activated Charcoal (Optional)

Activated charcoal helps whiten teeth while promoting good oral health by changing the pH balance in the mouth, helping prevent cavities, bad breath and gum disease.

It works to whiten teeth by drawing bacteria, poisons, chemicals, dirt and other micro-particles to the surface.


Cloves are bactericidal and effective in relieving toothache, sore gums, mouth ulcers and in treatment of cavities. In addition the characteristic scent of clove removes bad breath (do not swallow though).


Peppermint has a disinfectant, soothing and relaxing effect. It increases the flow of calcium into the muscle cells.

The Spices

The powdered spices such as cloves, cinnamon and mint, add great flavour to your toothpaste. Be sure they are finely ground though to avoid a gritty paste.

Homemade Tooth Powder Recipe

This is how I prefer my powder mix, but feel free to add or adjust ingredients based on your needs. Note that if you have very sensitive teeth you might want to skip the baking soda and salt at first, or if you want to focus on removing stains add a little more activated charcoal to the recipe.

This toothpaste recipe is kid-approved, and since it has no fluoride, its safe on children, and those with thyroid problems.




  1. Blend cloves (if whole), peppermint tea, salt and bentonite clay in a dry grinder until everything is finely ground.

  2. Using a wooden or plastic spoon, mix all ingredients in a clean glass jar.

To Use

  1. Add a little to a wet toothbrush

  2. Brush and rinse as normal.

(I use a little cosmetic plastic spoon, others dip their toothbrush straight into the jar. You can do that if you prefer, because the powder mix is naturally anti-bacterial)